The Honest Boy


My younger son is very fond of birds. He has placed bird feeders in the house from which the seeds fall and the birds eat them with pleasure.

When we were coming from Qasor to Lahore, he saw a shop in Lulyani in which there were five five-kilogram bags filled with millet and broken rice.

My son went to buy rice and millet from this shop, he asked him what purpose he wanted the millet for, my son told him to feed the bird!

On this shopkeeper said that you must also take changing because some happy birds cannot eat millet but eat changing and will also eat hanging next to you.

The son said, "In the name of Allah, give me your guidance and I will be grateful for your guidance for the rest of my life."

 After keeping this thing in the car, when he tried to take out the purse, he did not find it: Jibu, Gai, looked everywhere but he did not find it, then he took it out from the car and took it to the shopkeeper and said I am sorry. I want, I forgot my wallet.

On this, the shopkeeper said, "Sir, you are amazing, take them, the money will come."

 My son said: But you don't know me!

He said: I know you

 how is he My son asked

It is said that:

Sir! The person who gives seeds to the bird cannot be an unbeliever!


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